White sandy beach in Krakow!

White sandy beach in Krakow!

I was born and raised in Dubai, then spent my teenage years in India, 2 countries far apart in terms of culture, religious beliefs etc, but both had one thing in common – amazingly hot climate 🙂 For me growing up with the heat was kinda normal, never saw it as anything but beautiful, summery, sunny days which I must admit; I took for granted! You see growing up in a hot tropical environment never experiencing weather under zero degrees, you never think about holding on to those last summer days, when the loom of autumn sets in and then the inevitable- winter! Winter that mystical frosty land of white, where nature turns bear and us humans stay close to the fireplace or these days cuddle up next to the heaters. Here living in Poland for the past 4 years, has taught me to appreciate the summer season a bit more. I learned from my Polish friends and family that summer like the rest of the 3 seasons is to be celebrated and enjoyed as far as possible.

Being in Krakow so what do you do when summer sets in, in all its glory? Well, plenty of outdoor activities, its holiday season, schools are off for a whole 2 months or so, people everywhere biking, hiking, roller skating, running, cooking barbecues, cheap grills and some beer, anything to stay outside to keep moving to keep them enjoying the energy of the radiant sun. Here in Krakow, I know and maybe most Krakowians will agree, taking a dip in the beloved Kryspinow lake is a must every summer. Me on the other hand, due to my upbringing and having already tanned dark skin I don’t see any enjoyment in spending hours browning even furthermore on the shores of the beachy white sands and taking a dip once in a while to cool down after tanning for hours. But after surviving 2 winters (believe me when I say before coming to Krakow I had never, ever seen snow in real life), now I don’t mind spending a little leisure time in the sun especially in a place like Kryspinow.

Kryspinow is a town based around its famous lake located towards Krakow’s Balice airport. It is a holiday spot not to be missed when you are in Krakow. It’s great especially on a hot sunny day as you can laze on the sandy white beaches all day long. There are a variety of recreational activities to choose from, whether you come as a family or with a group of friends. As well as swimming at the main beaches, which by the way have lifeguards, you can also lay down a blanket on the grass or sand and have a picnic or a barbeque. There are plenty of water sports like kayaking, water bikes, wakeboarding, tennis, zip lines, zorbing, paintball etc. This is my top tip, hire a pedal boat or a kayak and head over to the other side of the lake, where its much quiet! Here you will find a nudist beach where everyone is butt naked. Of course, if you are brave enough you could just head over there in the first place.

Summer is coming to a close soon, but we still have some pretty warm days ahead. So if you’re in Krakow don’t miss out on this wonderful place. It is worth the visit. Costs for parking are about 10zl and adult entry 12zl. If you have a multisport card, then you just have to pay for a parking spot. This is one of the top attractions in Krakow that one simply cannot miss.

Happy summer and happy skinny dipping 😉



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