Win a bottle of Limited Edition Polish Wine (GiveAway) (CLOSED)

Win a bottle of Limited Edition Polish Wine (GiveAway) (CLOSED)

Hello Everyone,

This Giveaway is now closed and the winner has received the prize.

As promised in my previous post here are the details of how you could enter for a chance to win this limited-edition wine from Srebrna Gora (Silver Mountains). This is a limited-edition red dry wine with a beautiful, ruby colour.

Here are some of the reviews about this wine:

    • It captivates with the fragrance of compositions of red and dark fruit.
    • Recognized here can be accents of cherry, currant, strawberry and cranberry. The aromas are subtle and exceptionally clean. In the mouth, the drink gives the impression of being balanced, and the low acidity supports delicate sourness and slightly warming alcohol.
    • They can be composed of poultry dishes through pork to beef, which emphasizes its versatility in the selection of dishes.

Here’s how you can enter to win this giveaway
1. Leave a comment below this post, with your name and where you are from (country) and answer this simple question: “Who would you like to share this bottle of wine with and why?”
2. Leave your email address in the comments so I can reach out to you if you are chosen as the lucky winner.

Terms of the giveaway:
1. This is an international giveaway and entrants must be an ADULT to participate.
2. The winner shall receive one bottle of Red- Dry Wine (Polka 2016).
3. The winner will be selected based on what I feel is the best comment.
3. The prize is not transferable for cash nor can be exchanged for anything else.
4. The contest runs from 17th December 2017 until 26th December 2017.
5. The winner will be chosen and announced on 28th of December 2017 on my Facebook profile.
6. The winner will be contacted via email address provided and details are taken with regards to delivery address etc.
7. If the chosen winner does not contact me within two weeks, then another winner will be chosen.
8. Once the prize is dispatched, then it will be the responsibility of the contest winner to check and follow up with the postal service.
9. The winner must post a picture via Facebook or Instagram, upon receiving this bottle of wine as proof of winning the contest!

Consent for processing of personal data:
The winner consents to the processing of their personal data provided, for the purpose of shipping out the prize.

Good Luck!


24 thoughts on “Win a bottle of Limited Edition Polish Wine (GiveAway) (CLOSED)”

  • I stumbled upon your website on Boost Your Blog forum on Facebook. I am a Polish girl, living in the United States. I am really enjoying your blog, and all the articles you have posted. Some day I would like to go to Poland, however I can enjoy it through your website.

  • In this moment i’m sitting in the Mumbai Airport and waiting to the plane to Poland. I’m travel 42 days around the India and i miss my family so they are people with whom I would drink this bottle of wine!
    Greetings for You from Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport !

    • Namaste Tomasz, Milo mi. Nice to see you travelling to India to places I my self dream of going someday. Love your blog and photos. Wish you a happy and blessed New Year with lots more of travel 🙂

  • I would drink this wine with my love, sitting together in the evening, making memories and laughing all night long 🙂

  • Wow! What an awesome idea to celebrate the festivity this year.
    I made form India and now we are catching to drinking wine. If I get a chance the botttle I would love to consume it along with my wife and enjoy some cuts at our home.

  • Hey! That is a really nice inititative Doreen! I will share this bootle of wine with my closes friends, probably will eating a nice Indian dinner or playing board game like Dixit or C

  • Hi Doreen ! It is a really nice idea! Your blog is really cool and the giveaway initiative is really nice too! If I win the wine the bootle I will share with my close friends while eating a nice dinner (probably an Idian one) or playing board games such as Catan or Dixit !!!

  • Wyjątkowe wina zostawiam na wyjątkowe okazje. Tę butelkę otworzyłabym… nieprędko 😉 gdyż to wino czekałoby na uwieńczenie zakończenia remontu mojego mieszkanka. Myślę, że potrwałoby to tak z rok, góra dwa lata, gdyż roboty jest tyle, że nie ma w co ręce włożyć, ale jak już zakończę to będzie co celebrować 😉

  • I would drink it with my best Friend – and this would mean that we finally meet without her family at a city break that we are planning since a half of year 😉

  • Well I haven’t had a wine in ages… having a small ladybug around kinda prohibits me from that. But I would save it for the special occasion when I would finally have a “Me” time and put my feet up, enjoy a period movie (maybe some Pride and Prejudice), curl in a blanket and pop the bottle open 🙂
    Anyway, great idea with the give away 😉 I also dropped by to say Merry Christmas and have a lot of fun in the holiday !

  • Jak wznosić toast to tylko w najlepszym towarzystwie! A najlepsze towarzystwo gwarantuje mi zawsze mój Ukochany! Tak, to właśnie z nim pragnę napić się dobrego wina…ZA NOWY ROK!

  • would share the bottle and the moment with my mom, inviting her to Cracow to put some smile on her face, actually just realised it’s good idea anyway and will invite her for weekend no matter the result, cheers to you D, to R and all your followers, may the new year bring you all the best! 🙂

  • Moja przyjaciółka to wulkan szczerości, sama otwartość i spontaniczność- to cała ona! Niczego nie potrafi ukryć- jej reakcje są tak żywiołowe i pełne emocji, że nie trzeba się domyślać, by zobaczyć, co kryje się w jej głowie i duszy, dlatego tak ją lubię. To właśnie z nią napiłabym się wina, by wznieść toast za naszą przyjaźń, kobiecość każdego dnia, a nie tylko w Dniu Kobiet i dużo szczęścia w Nowym Roku!

  • Gdybym wygrała wino to toast wzniosłabym z moim ulubionym muzykiem Paulem McCartneyem. Jak szaleć, to szaleć, a może to marzenie kiedyś się spełni! Wyobrażam sobie ten ciepły, letni wieczór na drewnianej werandzie, z Paulem u boku i kieliszkiem dobrego wina… Z głośników słychać by było “Hey Jude”, a ja byłabym najszczęśliwszą osobą na świecie!

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