Van Gogh Alive – The Experience

Van Gogh Alive – The Experience

A multi-sensory Art Exhibition in the heart of the city. The Van Gogh Alive exhibition has been receiving rave reviews around the world and no doubt about it, it is one of the best art exhibitions I have visited myself. Krakow is a culturally diverse city it was an obvious choice to hold this wonderful exhibit.

Visually stimulating and enriching experience; in my honest opinion! The exhibition currently ongoing in Krakow at the Old Railway Station Dworzec Glowny, in front of Galeria Krakowska. If you are in and around Krakow, do visit the exhibition with your family as its great for kids too. Tickets are under 100zl, but worth it. I have seen some of Van Gogh works before on the Internet and remember him as the artist who cut off his ear, but never did I know the whole story of how he came about painting and about his life in general. The exhibition gives much insight into the stages of his work life, when he started in the Netherlands and then moved to France and his later life in France, all well documented. I certainly felt enriched by the whole experience and as walked right into and was part of his paintings!

An Immersive Exhibition

Van Gogh Alive – The Experience will transport visitors into the world of Vincent van Gogh, immersing them into the paintings themselves forming part of the detail of his masterpieces. Adults and children alike have the opportunity to ander through the galleries, viewing artworks from new angles and discovering new unique perspectives.

I leave you with one of the many quotes throughout the exhibition which was inspirational to me -“One must work and dare if one really wants to live!



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